
Saturday, April 21, 2012

The three wise men


The three wise men

Three wise men set out on a journey for, even though they were considered wise in their own country, they were humble enough to hope that travel would broaden their minds.

They had barely crossed into a neighbouring country when they saw a skyscraper in the distance.

What could this enormous object be, they asked themselves?

The obvious answer would have been: go up and find out.

But no, that might be too dangerous.

Suppose it was something that exploded as one approached?

It was altogether wiser to decide what it was before fin­ding out.

Various theories were put forward, examined and, on the basis of their past experience, rejected.

Finally, it was determined, also on the basis of past experience of which they had an abundant supply, that the object in question, whatever it was could only have been placed there by giants.

This led them to the conclusion that it would be safer to avoid this country altogether.

So they went back home having added something to their fund of experience.

Assumptions affect Observation.

Observation breeds Conviction.

Conviction produces Experience.

Experience generates Behaviour,

which, in turn, confirms Assumptions.

The prayer of the frog. Volume – I

Anthony de Mello

Thursday, April 5, 2012

What causes arthritis?


What causes arthritis?

...and not respond to what we assume the other said...

The village drunkard staggered up to the parish priest, newspaper in hand, and greeted him politely.

The priest, annoyed, ignored the greeting because the man was slightly inebriated.

He had come with a purpose, however,

“Excuse me, Father,” he said,

“Could you tell me what causes arthritis?”

The priest ignored that too.

But when the man repeated the question the priest turned on him impatiently and cried,

“Drinking causes arthritis, that’s what causes arthritis!

Gambling causes arthritis!

Chasing loose women causes arthritis...”

And only then, too late, “Why did you ask?”

“Because it says right here in the papers that that’s what the Pope has!”

The prayer of the frog. Volume - II
Anthony de Mello