
Monday, May 28, 2012

Making friends with a dragon


Making friends with a dragon

A man went to see a psychiatrist

and said that every night he was visited by a twelve-foot dragon with three heads.

He was a nervous wreck, could not sleep at all and was on the verge of total collapse.

He had even thought of suicide.

“I think I can help you,” said the psychiatrist,

“but I must warn you that it will take a year or two and will cost three thousand dollars.”

“Three thousand dollars!” the man exclaimed.

“Forget it!

I’ll just go home and make friends with it.”

The Muslim mystic, Farid, was prevailed upon by his neighbours to go to the court in Delhi and obtain a favour from Akbar for the village.

Farid walked into the court and found Akbar at his prayers:

When the Emperor finally emerged, Farid asked.

“What sort of prayer did you make?”

“I prayed that the All Merciful would bestow success and wealth and long life on me,” was the reply.

Farid promptly turned his back on the Emperor and walked away, remarking,

“I came to see an Emperor.

What I find here is a beggar no different from the rest!”

The prayer of the frog. Volume – I

Anthony de Mello